Friday, October 3, 2008

Of Unquestioned Answers...and making them happen

Disclaimer: License readily given to rhetorical questions and question tags.

Is this post worth writing? Well now, shouldn't I have thought of that before I began the same? Are they usually voluble or can they be silently psychological too? How can one be characterized by the loss of speech or its primordial absence? Why should I question the essence of life? Why should I forgive plagiarism and still refrain from indulging in it? How much more to go before I run out of questions? On that note, how do you define a question? Is it a mere subject up for discussion or something with a unanimous answer to it, or is it merely the decisive stating of a fact with an interrogative demeanor? Why does one add a Question tag? Isn't it just resorting to the usage of a defense mechanism? Am I tiring now? Maybe Im not..Maybe Im just failing in seamless interrogative transition..Maybe I should just back to the normal human world now and consider myself semi-fruitful....On second though, well, theres always tomorrow..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Marrying Phrases is a socially Colloquial Liberty

At least for me they are. Have you ever wondered how a conversation or mere reading of text would appear if there were to be a stream of continuous phrases one after the other sometimes even overlapping. Its rather early in the morning and the wheels of my mind are stuck in the mud of curiosity to know if this is phonetically possible. I’ll try this realm in a bid to throw caution to the grammatically correct winds.

Disclaimer: the usage of fillers to enable functionality is but permitted

All the worlds a stage, and all men and women are merely players, in a manner of speaking. They wouldn’t be found as dead as a doornail jumping the bail of life. The Devil incarnate if teamed up with the Devils advocate would be a dilemma-tic sight to see. To wear your heart on your sleeve is to invite this duo over to supper. A wild goose chase of emotions will display but, mere confusion, though the truth will out eventually. Sigh…At the end of it, to be or not to be, that is the question. What do you say? Touché!. Feeling under the canonical weather, are we?!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Being Wasted- Getting there...well almost...

Ever wondered sometimes why life feels wasted. However, the wastage of time itself is a totally different thing. Its like relishing the sheer knowledge of an after-taste in your mouth (even though the taste buds have just been thrown into action). Its a possibility though, a sudden burst of that feeling to un-waste would appear; if that happens, dont worry, it will pass as does everything in this philosophical life(life included). So go ahead, 'relish' it and make the most of this moment before it unreallistically counts itself down to death, or even worse, extinction!. Enjoy the feeling of liberation that wraps its rather sub-consious aura around you like a warm, but stealthy, blanket. It feels like the smell of water on fresh earth. That, albeit, is only when realization strikes. Then it is unfortunately followed by this feeling of emptiness that lets you classify itself as being wasted. Enables me to justify why I even bothered with this post, doesnt it?

Friday, September 12, 2008

The End-Of cliches and wannabe-beginnings

Longing they look, and gaping at the sight, Devour it o'er with vast delight. --Dryden

Not quite the situation, but usually always..welcome to a world of mindless conversation, (that being my favorite phrase) and contradictory statements..and then..some more :)

The above statement has a myriad of different connotations, most of which might not be as compatible with the normal human mind as might be refers to nothing of what it sounds like..